About the Journal

Gamevironments (ISSN 2364-382X) is an international, interdisciplinary, diamond open access academic journal for research on digital games. The journal publishes two issues per year, one regular issue and one special issue with a guest editor on a specific topic.  

Each issue consists of academic articles as well as other contributions, such as research reports, interviews, or game or book reviews. There are no fees or charges for processing or publication.

All articles are subjected to an external double-blind peer review process. Research reports, interviews, and game or book reviews are reviewed by the editorial team. For further information on the peer-review process, see the Submissions page.

Gamevironments is hosted and published by the State and University Library Bremen (SuUB) and is affiliated with the Institute for Religious Studies and Religious Education at the University of Bremen, Germany and the International Academy for the Study of Gaming and Religion (IASGAR).

The editors-in-chief are Kerstin Radde-Antweiler (University of Bremen) and Lissa Holloway-Attaway (University of Skövde). The managing editor is Dom Ford (University of Bremen).

Current Issue

No. #21 (2024): 10th Anniversary Issue "Revisiting Gamevironments"
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